December 20, 2017, 7:14pm
I’m new at docker. I try to read all about it. But I don’t understand something about linking services between containers.
First this is the setup I’m using :
Vmware Workstation 12 on a Windows 10 1709 host machine
Docker 17.09.1-ce on a virtual Ubuntu 16.04 server host.
Rancher for the containers management
My big question is : How to link the services between containers?
I create a stack on Rancher with these 2 containers :
hugojosefson/ubuntu-gnome:17.04 with IP (called it Ubuntu-Home for purpose)
rastasheep/ubuntu-sshd:16.04 as sidekick with IP called it Ubuntu-sshd (I know! It’s a pretty wild network range!)
This is the thing I want to do :
My Ubuntu-Home don’t have a ssh server on it. So I created a stack of this container + a sshd-server container.
All both of the containers can contact each other because now, they are in the same network
How can I tell my Ubuntu-Home : Hey use openssh-server on the other container in the same network?
I’m a little bit confused about that
December 21, 2017, 12:33pm
service is really database or api… and ssh server enables users to connect to a particular container…(all would have to run the server themselves for users to connect to each one)
December 21, 2017, 3:34pm
So, if I understand, I need to install openssh-server on the Ubuntu-Home, right?
December 21, 2017, 5:45pm
correct, so that you can ssh to it… now, why do you want to ssh?
from the docker host where the container is running, you should be able to docker attach container_id to get a commandline…
typically, docker containers run one application.
December 21, 2017, 6:31pm
Ok thanks.
Well, I want to use ssh and redirect X11 for an application I want to use in my windows computer, this is why i need SSH.
December 21, 2017, 6:45pm
Ok, I think I get it!
I installed openssh-server on my Ubuntu-Home, did a commit into the name Ubuntu-Homev2 and docker run -p 32000:22 -td Ubuntu-Homev2