hello all,
was trying to store, secure and use my DigitalOcean API Key for VM creation. this is what i had done.
it may not be the best but works for me. if you have better alternative, appreciate that you can share.
- i install VirtualBox on my Windows10 box
- i am using ubunutu 14.04 as the VM to run docker-machine from
- install ccrypt
apt-get install ccrypt
- create a file to store my API Key for DigitalOcean “myAPIkey” with a password
ccrypt ./myAPIkey -e
- command i used to create mb VM in DigitalOcean
/usr/local/bin# docker-machine create --driver digitalocean \
--digitalocean-access-token=`ccrypt myAPIkey.cpt -d -c` test001
Enter decryption key: xxxxxxx
Running pre-create checks…
Creating machine…
but hang at “Machine is running, waiting for SSH to be available…”