I deploy elasticsearch in docker with below command:
sudo docker run --name es1 -p 6200:9200 -p 6300:9300 -e “xpack.security.enabled=false” -e discovery.type=single-node -e “ES_JAVA_OPTS=-Xms2048m -Xmx2048m” docker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:5.5.3
the host ip where the docker container run is hostip the inet addr of docker0 is docker inpect above ES container and its ip is:
I run command in host directly(step 1):
curl -XGET ‘hostip:6200’
then I get result
I run command in another docker which is deployed on the same host with above ES(step 2):
curl -XGET ‘hostip:6200’
nothing get and the visit will timeout
I run command in another docker which is deployed on the same host with above ES(step 3):
curl -XGET ‘’
nothing get and the visit will timeout
I run command in another docker which is deployed on the same host with above ES(step 4):
curl -XGET ‘’
then I get result
I run command in another host which is diff with the host above ES deployed(step 5):
curl -XGET ‘hostip:6200’
then I get result
I run command in another docker which is deployed on the diff host with above ES(step 6):
curl -XGET ‘hostip:6200’
then I get result
so my question is: how can I visit this ES container with hostip:6200 from another container which deployed on the same host ?
–net=host is not the choose under my condition.