I star repositories, but I do not see a way to filter them in explore tab

I star repositories, but I do not see a way to filter them in explore tab.
Not sure what is the point of having option to star when we can’t do filtering on it like my starred repositories, top starred repositories etc.

Somehow I’m pretty sure there was a way on Docker Hub to at least sort by stars, but I don’t see it now. I don’t know why it is missing.

You can still use the docker search command to filter by stars.

docker search --filter stars=3 http

So it is still used. You could search for related issues on GitHub or send a new report: GitHub - docker/hub-feedback: Feedback and bug reports for the Docker Hub

Maybe it is something that Docker Inc wants to remove, but the stars can still be seen for now. I couldn’t find anything about it in the release notes. Maybe I missed something.

The command line feature is still mentioned in the documentation: