Greetings everyone.
My challenge is to maintain / persist the configuration and data of a PostgreSQL Server on my docker-host.
My resources are:
- Host Docker - Ubuntu 21.04 Server / 96Gb Ram / 8Tb - NAS ( mounted NFS em /mnt/stg )
1.1) Docker Server & Client Version: 20.10.7 / API version: 1.41
1.2) Plugins: Volume: local local-persist nfs
- local-persist driver => GitHub - MatchbookLab/local-persist: Create named local volumes that persist in the location(s) you want
- nfs driver => Netshare - Docker volume plugin for NFS 3/4, EFS and CIFS/SMB
- Scenery
#>mkdir -p /mnt/stg/pg01
#>chown -R nobody:nogroup /mnt/stg/pg01 && chmod 777 /mnt/stg/pg01
#>docker network create --subnet= ntwkr_pg01
My problem is:
When creating the volume on host storage (eg /mnt/stg/pg01), Docker (does not respect) insists on creating a mount-point in /var/lib/docker/volumes
My failed attempts:
[1] - bind
#>docker run --name=pg01 -d --network ntwkr_pg01 --ip -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pg01 -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -e ALLOW_IP_RANGE= -p 5432:5432 --mount type=bind,source=/mnt/stg/pg01,target=/var/lib/postgresql localhost:5000/ws-pg10-pgis:2.5
[2] - volume
#>docker run --name=pg01 -d --network ntwkr_pg01 --ip -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pg01 -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -e ALLOW_IP_RANGE= -p 5432:5432 —mount type=volume,source=/mnt/stg/pg01,target=/var/lib/postgresql localhost:5000/ws-pg10-pgis:2.5
[3] - volume
#>docker run --name=pg01 -d --network ntwkr_pg01 --ip -e POSTGRES_USER=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pg01 -e POSTGRES_DB=postgres -e ALLOW_IP_RANGE= -p 5432:5432 -v /mnt/stg/pg01:/var/lib/postgresql localhost:5000/ws-pg10-pgis:2.5
in all situations, for example [3], the docker created a disposable volume of its own
"Mounts": [
"Type": "volume",
"Name": "efc1846574e7434ee9b313d933fcbb6d6a18f51a883e1413930747c5622a090b",
**"Source": "/var/lib/docker/volumes/efc1846574e7434ee9b313d933fcbb6d6a18f51a883e1413930747c5622a090b/_data",**
"Destination": "/var/lib/postgresql/data",
"Driver": "local",
"Mode": "",
"RW": true,
"Propagation": ""
Why does this happen?
I think the container root can’t create the PostgreSQL configuration structure on the given host directory, but the volume is created before passing the command to the container, so this idea doesn’t make sense.
On the NAS-Server
. The export that makes the share available contains:
. And the exported directory holds chown nobody:nogroup
I should use some flag in docker run like --user or --privileged=true or --cap-add=ALL ?