I recently installed the later version of docker desktop. My goal is to start working on pimcore, so I visited the official doc of pimcore about creating a new project via docker and I found this command on the official guide “docker run -u id -u
:id -g
--rm -v pwd
:/var/www/html pimcore/pimcore:php8.2-latest composer create-project pimcore/skeleton my-project”. I run this command on my git terminal in the designed folder but inside the loading and downloading messages I found this messages
“Status: Downloaded newer image for pimcore/pimcore:php8.2-latest
Creating a “pimcore/skeleton” project at “./projectM”
Cannot create cache directory /.cache/composer/repo/https—repo.packagist.org/, or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache. See also cache-read-only config if your filesystem is read-only.
Installing pimcore/skeleton (v11.0.4)
Cannot create cache directory /.cache/composer/files/, or directory is not writable. Proceeding without cache. See also cache-read-only config if your filesystem is read-only.”.
The command end successfully but the folder is still empty and it create a new folder with the same name but like this ‘projectM;C’ brother of the folder that I’m using. I tried running this command as administrator and it works, but then I face issues when I run the project on the server because it is not able to create the “cache” folder. Does anybody knows if I have to change some configuration for my folder/user permission before I start using docker in order to create new projects?