Image: botium/botium-speech-rasa-voice is missing?

I am trying to implement voice bot using botium speech processing tool and rasa framework. I am trying with docker-compose in windows. Getting an error as.,

[2/7] RUN apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps curl sed python make g++:
#6 0.430 fetch
#6 2.214 fetch
#6 2.797 ERROR: unable to select packages:
#6 2.837 python (no such package):
#6 2.837 required by: .build-deps-20211116.124655[python]

failed to solve: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = executor failed running [/bin/sh -c apk add --no-cache --virtual .build-deps curl sed python make g++]: exit code: 2

As i am beginner, please point out where i am missing. It would be grateful.

Try python3 instead of just python. Apparently there is no package called ā€œpythonā€

Thank you for reply. I am giving a command: docker-compose up -d. This command gives the above error.

The output is the output of a docker build. You have a Dockerfile somewhere which is wrong.
Arenā€™t you who wrote that Dockerfile? Is it a projekt downloaded from the internet?

I canā€™t see this image among botiumā€™s repositories: Docker Hub
Maybe this is why the ā€œmissingā€ part in the title. But the issue is the failed docker build.

This is a project i downloaded from the internet.

Can you share the link so we are talking about the same thing?

This is the link i am trying to implement.

There is no python package since Alpine 3.12:

The project you try to build depends on the nodejs LTS which is node:16-alpine The last node image which supports Alpine 3.11 is node:10-alpine.

To fix it you need to replace python with python2 or python3 (recommended) in the Dockerfile: botium-speech-processing/Dockerfile at master Ā· codeforequity-at/botium-speech-processing Ā· GitHub

Or submit an issue in the GitHub repo and wait for the developer to fix it.

Please, next time donā€™t let us to search for the links and commands in a blogpost. I almost gave up because there are multiple repositories linked in that post and multiple commands to run. It was the ā€œTestingā€ section at the end of the file. Always insert each code you run to get faster help.

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Thank you so much. I apologize for my not detailed post. I will remember your words while posting next time. Thank you again.