Now I have aldready of Oracle version 11 g on my docker in Centos 7. Now I want to import Oracle dump file of 10g into my docker. Can anyone help me to solve that problem? Thank you in my advance.
P/s: I am a beginner with docker. so if you can describe detail step by step, I am happy with that.
docker run -v /host/path/where/the/dump/is:/container/path
That may be my issue. I check capacity of my dump file is 70 Gb. but now my root directory has just only 54 Gb remain. So I can not cp my dump file into my container. So how we can run dump file outside container?
You just quoted the solution suggested by @meyay
You don’t copy, you mount.
Although this is just a partial solution, since if Docker’s data root folder is not on a bigger disk, you won’t be able to import 70 GB of data on disk having only 54 GB free space. You can move that 70 GB out to a pendrive or external HDD and mount that into the container.