Inconsistency of the docker Container and Symfony

My docker container is up and I am running the PHP version 8.1. I have installed the unrar inside my container and when I run the command unrar inside the bash I get the version and it is working fine. let me clarify on this part I used the apt-get install unrar and also did

git clone
cd php-rar


# phpize outputs that it's configuring for php8.1's API
# Configuring for:
# PHP Api Version:         20210902
# Zend Module Api No:      20210902
# Zend Extension Api No:   420210902

./configure && make && make install

But when i run the command inisde my symfony controller as follow i get the error unrar not found.

public function __invoke(Request $request,FileUploader $fileUploader,EntityManagerInterface $entityManager): array

elseif ($archiveType === 'rar') {
$command = 'unrar 2>&1';
$output = shell_exec($command);

I have installed unrar based on the following link Error while installing php rar extension on ubuntu server the problem I have is that when I run the command unrar from my docker container inside the bash I get the unrar command working fine so I use the shell_exec() command inside my Symfony project to run the same command and here I have the error of the unrar not found. how I can remove this inconsistency.

Use the full path to the executable (/path/to/unrar).

I already had tested it and it gave the same error but thanks anyway.