Install docker engine on Ubuntu 24.04 - failed to create network

Installed Docker Engine on Ubuntu 24.04 server (updated from 22.04)
I did not make any changes to the docker configuration
When starting any container via docker-compose, I get an error

failed to create network librenms_default: Error response from daemon: Failed to Setup IP tables: Unable to enable SKIP DNAT rule:  (iptables failed: iptables --wait -t nat -I DOCKER -i br-96acdd89886e -j RETURN: iptables: No chain/target/match by that name.
 (exit status 1))

What data should I provide for analysis and how can I fix this?

Please share you compose file, so we can reproduce your issue.

Create directory, download conf files

mkdir /opt/librenms
cd /opt/librenms
wget -O .env
wget -O compose.yml
wget -O librenms.env
wget -O msmtpd.env

and run

docker compose down
docker image prune -a
docker compose pull
docker compose up -d

I ran the commands to create the folder and download the files. A docker compose up works perfectly.

You must have something on your host that tinkers with iptables. Either a host firewall, or a vpn connection that applies changes to iptables and messes with docker’s ability to work properly.

You could restart docker by executingsudo service docker restart to temporarily fix the problem, but it will not fix the cause of the problem. You still have to locate what’s responsible for the iptables modifications that prevent docker from working properly.

the same container on another server works fine

Only Wireguard is installed on the server, which can make changes to iptables.

It seems that there are no new applications that accept iptables

That’s why I’m asking for help here, to find out what creates a problem for launching containers (I also tried phpipam, there is exactly the same error)

What else should I show to diagnose the problem

@bluepuma77 did you ever experience the problem on your nodes where you run wireguard?

Running wg-easy in container, never had any issues.

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