Installation Issue

Expected Clean Installation
Error : "Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1"
Crash Report Uploaded 65717774-0E16-4BB0-911F-C16F1BEBDE1F/2016-07-09_23-37-26


Windows 10 Pro Insider Preview Eval Copy. Build 14372.rs1_release.160620-2342
Was working pre 1.12 release

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. …Uninstall Docker on windows
  2. …Reinstall Docker on windows

Thanks for reporting - what version are you trying to install?

Trying to Install 1.12-rc3-beta18

Got up this morning and docker had resolved itself and is working now…

[17:48:14.407][ProxyProcess ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: using DNS forwarder on
[17:48:14.417][ProxyProcess ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: starting port_forwarding port_control_url:hyperv-connect://27de4f5a-4111-45dd-93eb-f0e44f09c337
[17:48:14.420][ProxyProcess ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: connecting to 27de4f5a-4111-45dd-93eb-f0e44f09c337:0B95756A-9985-48AD-9470-78E060895BE7
[17:48:14.423][ProxyProcess ][Debug ] com.docker.slirp.exe: Waiting for connections on socket hyperv-connect://27de4f5a-4111-45dd-93eb-f0e44f09c337
[17:48:14.426][ProxyProcess ][Warning] com.docker.slirp.exe: no database: using hardcoded network configuration values
[17:48:14.429][ProxyProcess ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: connecting to 27de4f5a-4111-45dd-93eb-f0e44f09c337:30D48B34-7D27-4B0B-AAAF-BBBED334DD59
[17:48:14.432][ProxyProcess ][Debug ] com.docker.slirp.exe: Waiting for connections on socket hyperv-connect://27de4f5a-4111-45dd-93eb-f0e44f09c337
[17:48:14.448][ProxyProcess ][Info ]
[17:48:14.451][ProxyProcess ][Info ] +000us Datakit Starting com.docker.db…
[17:48:14.539][ProxyProcess ][Info ]
[17:48:14.543][ProxyProcess ][Info ] +000us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[17:48:14.540][Database ][Error ] 2016/07/10 17:48:14 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/07/10 17:48:14 Failed to Create branch/ master /transactions/ 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/07/10 17:48:14 Failed to create database branch: p9p.MessageRerror{Ename:“No such file or directory”}

[17:48:14.549][Database ][Error ] Unable to write to the database: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1. Let’s retry in 1s
[17:48:15.553][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/exclude
[17:48:15.556][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/http
[17:48:15.561][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/https
[17:48:15.671][Database ][Error ] 2016/07/10 17:48:15 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/07/10 17:48:15 Failed to Create branch/ master /transactions/ 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/07/10 17:48:15 Failed to create database branch: p9p.MessageRerror{Ename:“No such file or directory”}

[17:48:15.674][Database ][Error ] Unable to write to the database: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1. Let’s retry in 1s
[17:48:15.672][ProxyProcess ][Info ]
[17:48:15.682][ProxyProcess ][Info ] +000us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[17:48:16.680][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/exclude
[17:48:16.685][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/http
[17:48:16.691][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/https
[17:48:16.830][ProxyProcess ][Info ]
[17:48:16.836][ProxyProcess ][Info ] +000us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[17:48:16.831][Database ][Error ] 2016/07/10 17:48:16 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory

I share this issue.

Windows 10 Enterprise Version 10.0.14393 Build 14393
Docker Version 1.12.0-stable (build: 59680)

[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] Version: 1.12.0-stable
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] Starting on: 9/13/2016 7:42:36 AM
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] Resources: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] OS: Windows 10 Enterprise
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] Edition: Enterprise
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] Id: 1607
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] Build: 14393
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] BuildLabName: 14393.0.amd64fre.rs1_release.160715-1616
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] Sha1: 9cd1dc28d3ac81cb5177ff9728f65200304b36f6
[07:42:36.420][Program ][Info ] You can send feedback, including this log file, at
[07:42:36.921][Mixpanel ][Info ] Not tracking: appLaunched
[07:42:36.921][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Version()…
[07:42:36.939][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Version
[07:42:36.942][Mixpanel ][Info ] Usage Statistic: heartbeat
[07:42:13.069][BackendServer ][Info ] Started
[07:42:36.921][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Version()
[07:42:36.937][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Version done.
[07:42:37.206][Mixpanel ][Info ] Failed to upload an event and will retry later
[07:42:37.692][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Stop()…
[07:42:37.692][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop()
[07:42:37.707][Updater ][Info ] Checking for updates on channel Stable…
[07:42:37.692][HyperV ][Info ] Stop
[07:42:37.723][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Stop True…
[07:42:38.071][UpdateFeedDownloader][Error ] The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel.
[07:42:38.072][Updater ][Info ] No update available
[07:42:44.252][HyperV ][Info ] VM MobyLinuxVM is stopped
[07:42:44.270][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for Stop
[07:42:44.270][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Stop done.
[07:42:44.271][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending Start(Docker.Core.Settings)…
[07:42:44.282][NamedPipeServer][Info ] Start(Docker.Core.Settings)
[07:42:44.285][HyperVGuids ][Info ] Installing GUIDs…
[07:42:44.288][HyperVGuids ][Info ] GUIDs installed
[07:42:44.310][Firewall ][Info ] Opening ports for C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\com.docker.proxy.exe…
[07:42:46.379][Firewall ][Info ] Ports are opened
[07:42:46.381][HyperV ][Info ] Create
[07:42:46.382][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Create True -SwitchSubnetAddress -SwitchSubnetMaskSize 24 -CPUs 2 -Memory 2048 -IsoFile C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources\mobylinux.iso…
[07:42:47.008][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing Switch: DockerNAT
[07:42:48.004][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing Switch IP address
[07:42:49.848][HyperV ][Info ] Using existing: MobyLinuxVM
[07:42:50.286][HyperV ][Info ] Setting MobyLinuxVM vm CPUs to 2 and Memory to 2048 MB
[07:42:50.291][DataKit ][Info ] Starting…
[07:42:50.296][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[07:42:50.332][DataKit ][Info ] Started
[07:42:50.348][VpnKit ][Info ] Starting…
[07:42:50.348][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[07:42:50.395][DataKit ][Info ]
[07:42:50.395][DataKit ][Info ] +8943us Datakit Starting com.docker.db.exe 16bb469 …
[07:42:54.831][VpnKit ][Info ] Started
[07:42:54.831][ApiProxy ][Info ] Starting…
[07:42:54.831][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: Logging to stdout (stdout:true DEBUG:false)
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: Setting handler to ignore all SIGPIPE signals
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: vpnkit version %VERSION% with hostnet version local %HOSTNET_PINNED% uwt version 0.0.3 hvsock version 0.10.0 %HVSOCK_PINNED%
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: starting port_forwarding port_control_url:hyperv-connect://3e573135-2e23-48b8-8050-25500ba12e45 max_connections:None vsock_path:
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: connecting to 3e573135-2e23-48b8-8050-25500ba12e45:0B95756A-9985-48AD-9470-78E060895BE7
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Debug ] com.docker.slirp.exe: Waiting for connections on socket hyperv-connect://3e573135-2e23-48b8-8050-25500ba12e45
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Warning] com.docker.slirp.exe: no database: using hardcoded network configuration values
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Info ] com.docker.slirp.exe: connecting to 3e573135-2e23-48b8-8050-25500ba12e45:30D48B34-7D27-4B0B-AAAF-BBBED334DD59
[07:42:55.802][VpnKit ][Debug ] com.docker.slirp.exe: Waiting for connections on socket hyperv-connect://3e573135-2e23-48b8-8050-25500ba12e45
[07:42:56.834][ApiProxy ][Info ] Started
[07:42:56.834][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/exclude
[07:42:56.834][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/http
[07:42:56.834][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/https
[07:42:56.903][ApiProxy ][Info ] docker proxy (on deprecated port): ready
[07:42:56.919][ApiProxy ][Info ] dns server: ready
[07:42:56.919][ApiProxy ][Info ] docker proxy: ready
[07:42:57.010][DataKit ][Info ]
[07:42:57.010][DataKit ][Info ] +6614184us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[07:42:58.788][Database ][Error ] 2016/09/13 07:42:56 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:42:57 Failed to Create branch/ master /transactions/ 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:42:57 Failed to create database branch: p9p.MessageRerror{Ename:“No such file or directory”}

[07:42:58.789][Database ][Error ] Unable to write to the database: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1. Let’s retry in 1s
[07:42:59.790][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/exclude
[07:42:59.790][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/http
[07:42:59.790][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/https
[07:42:59.916][Database ][Error ] 2016/09/13 07:42:59 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:42:59 Failed to Create branch/ master /transactions/ 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:42:59 Failed to create database branch: p9p.MessageRerror{Ename:“No such file or directory”}

[07:42:59.917][Database ][Error ] Unable to write to the database: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1. Let’s retry in 1s
[07:42:59.919][DataKit ][Info ]
[07:42:59.920][DataKit ][Info ] +9523972us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[07:43:00.918][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/exclude
[07:43:00.918][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/http
[07:43:00.919][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/https
[07:43:01.047][Database ][Error ] 2016/09/13 07:43:01 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:43:01 Failed to Create branch/ master /transactions/ 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:43:01 Failed to create database branch: p9p.MessageRerror{Ename:“No such file or directory”}

[07:43:01.047][Database ][Error ] Unable to write to the database: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1. Let’s retry in 1s
[07:43:01.049][DataKit ][Info ]
[07:43:01.049][DataKit ][Info ] +10654395us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[07:43:02.049][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/exclude
[07:43:02.049][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/http
[07:43:02.053][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/https
[07:43:02.174][Database ][Error ] 2016/09/13 07:43:02 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:43:02 Failed to Create branch/ master /transactions/ 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:43:02 Failed to create database branch: p9p.MessageRerror{Ename:“No such file or directory”}

[07:43:02.175][Database ][Error ] Unable to write to the database: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1. Let’s retry in 1s
[07:43:02.177][DataKit ][Info ]
[07:43:02.177][DataKit ][Info ] +11781802us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[07:43:03.176][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/exclude
[07:43:03.176][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/http
[07:43:03.176][Database ][Info ] Removing com.docker.driver.amd64-linux/proxy/https
[07:43:03.309][Database ][Error ] 2016/09/13 07:43:03 Failed to Walk to 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:43:03 Failed to Create branch/ master /transactions/ 9pdb 9p: No such file or directory
2016/09/13 07:43:03 Failed to create database branch: p9p.MessageRerror{Ename:“No such file or directory”}

[07:43:03.312][DataKit ][Info ]
[07:43:03.312][DataKit ][Info ] +12917303us fs9p [ERROR] dispatcher caught Unix.Unix_error(Unix.EPIPE, “bytes_read”, “”): no more requests will be handled
[07:43:03.325][NamedPipeServer][Error ] Unable to execute Start: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1 at Docker.Backend.Database.RemoveKeys(String[] keys)
at Docker.Backend.Database.TryWrite(Settings settings)
at Docker.Backend.Database.Write(Settings settings)
at Docker.Backend.Backend.Start(Settings settings)
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeServer.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0(Object[] parameters)
at Docker.Core.Pipe.NamedPipeServer.RunAction(String action, Object[] parameters)
[07:43:03.329][NamedPipeClient][Error ] Unable to send Start: Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1
[07:43:03.330][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending CheckInstallation()…
[07:43:03.331][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckInstallation()
[07:43:03.332][HyperV ][Info ] Check Hyper-V Windows optional feature
[07:43:03.332][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script…
[07:43:04.254][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V Windows feature is enabled
[07:43:04.255][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for CheckInstallation
[07:43:04.254][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckInstallation done.
[07:43:04.256][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Sending CheckHyperVState()…
[07:43:04.256][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckHyperVState()
[07:43:04.257][HyperV ][Info ] Check Hyper-V State
[07:43:04.258][PowerShell ][Info ] Run script with parameters: -Check True…
[07:43:04.348][HyperV ][Info ] Hyper-V is running
[07:43:04.349][NamedPipeServer][Info ] CheckHyperVState done.
[07:43:04.349][NamedPipeClient][Info ] Received response for CheckHyperVState
[07:43:04.351][Notifications ][Error ] Unable to remove from the database. Exit code: 1
[07:43:11.977][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs
[07:52:31.696][ErrorReportWindow][Info ] Open logs