Installing Docker on Solaris 11u2 or u3

Is there any documentation for installing Docker on Solaris? There are a multitude of blog posts that indicate that Docker is going to be integrated into Solaris Zones, but I couldn’t find documentation on how to install Docker on Solaris or any indication that the integration has been completed or is still ongoing.

No, it is not possible today.
Docker support on Solaris will be in the next major release of Solaris.

Do you have a road map which release is Docker and Oracle target for Docker support?

Is there an update regarding docker support on Solaris? Is it going to happen soon? Thank you.

Was supposed to be in Solaris 11.4, from the pre-release documentation. Now appears to have been buried upon release, though docker package is in IPS.
What is going on with this? Why the removal of all mention of it in Oracle documentation?