Jenkins "Docker build and publish" plugin doesn't work with docker 1.9.1

*This is a pain for debugging : *

Error response from daemon: Login: Too many failed login attempts. You have been locked out for one hour. Try again later or contact support. (Code: 429; Headers: map[Strict-Transport-Security:[max-age=31536000] Server:[nginx/1.6.2] Date:[Tue, 08 Dec 2015 15:06:35 GMT] Content-Type:[application/json] Vary:[Cookie] X-Frame-Options:[SAMEORIGIN]])

The jenkins plugin I use for building my image is called “Docker build and publish plugin”.

This plugin is trying to pull image from and require credential for authentication.

Adding /root/.docker/config.json won’t work there because the own plugin security won’t allow you to pull or push any images.

A jenkins credential only allow 3 fields : login, password, description

There is no email field.

When it try to connect, it automatically erase my previous configuration (/root/.docker/config.json) with the credential provided through jenkins.

The pull will fail with :

Error response from daemon: Registration: "Wrong email format (it has to match \"[^@]+@[^@]+\\.[^@]+\")"

Any workaround ?

Is this a verified issue? Or has it been resolved?

It’s verified and not resolved to me !