Layer 2 communication with host on Windows

I have been tasked with investigating the possibility of running a Docker container on Windows, that runs one or more simulated devices, using an Ubuntu 24.04 image, and has to network traffic to the host. Unfortunately, one of these protocols (GOOSE) requires the usages of Layer 2 network traffic. I have found that this is not possible on Docker Desktop for Windows. Is there some virtual switch or perhaps even cloud solution that could act as a network switch, to make this communication work? Or is this a dead end?

I have explored the idea of running Docker inside of a Linux VM, with fairly good results, however unless I use host mode networking, which kills the plan to have multiple containers, as they need to be individually IP addressable. Is there perhaps something that I’m missing here? The stakeholders wish to use docker as rebuilding containers on changes is very fast.

On Windows 11 running Docker Desktop 4.37.1 with the WSL2 engine.