Macbook Pro intel errors "too many open files" prevents app from loading website

Where did you check the logs? You mean the container logs? In that case it is not a macos issue. Containers are running in the virtual machine of Docker desktop so the logs have nothing to do with the macOS kernel. There is no such thing as macOS container yet.

Why not? Since you ran the container in the foreground (attached to the standard output and error streams), you should see the logs.

There was a similar topic here too:

This was on Windows, but it happened on macOS as well

What happened when you tried this command?

I think that ulimit should have helped, although I never had to use it, but it will not persist. You will need to add that to the compose service. If the solution requires changing kernel parameters on the host, that is not impossible (or at least it wasn’t), but it will not persist either. If you want a full control over Docker and its Linux host, you can run a virtual machine using multipass. I use it like this:

multipass launch --name docker-vm docker
multipass docker info

That creates a VM called “docker-vm” from the VM image called “docker”. Optionally you can change CPU and memory limits. Then the second command is how you use the docker commands to communicat with the docker daemon inside the VM thanks to the multipass aliases. Or you just run a shell in the VM:

multupass shell docker-vm

Here is a guide from the multipass documentation

You could also mount folders from your host to the Docker VM, but I think when I did it, that made my multipass freeze when my Mac woke up and many times I had to destroy the VM and reinstall it. So if you can make it work with Docker Desktop, you can more easily mount files into containers from the Mac, but if you need full control over the VM, and you can copy everything inside it, you can use Multipass.