Malware Blocked: “com.docker.vmnetd” was not opened because it contains malware

I have been trying to understand this for a few hours now. Rather than solving the issue, I want to understand its source. Is this really a security concern? What is the reason behind this issue? Is there a satisfactory explanation for it? Or are the keys rotated that’s is used to sign Docker Desktop for Mac?

thank you, this solution works for me too

same, with “com.docker.socket”
macbook pro m2 pro, macos 15.2

I’m also getting the same error just now.
Using MacBook m3

Guys I found the solution. you should check your macOS version. It should be 15.2.
And check your docker version to be 4.37.1. I hope you solve the problem : D

Yeah same on m2 pro 15.0.1 (24A348)

Thank you my hero,It seems there are also good people among black.

thanks. It works for me.

I was able to resolve it by following the instructions in this issue

Air M3
macOS 15.2

the same problem here, is there an official solution?

Same problem here, any solution?

same problem here, have just updated a couple days ago to mac os sequioa

I deinstalled Docker months ago and today I got this message as well. WTF. I searched my Mac and there was nothing whi directs to something like Docker.

Same problem here, just happened a few hours ago after restart.

Hello, how are you? I also had this problem on one of my machines.
I used Linux for a long time and there it was only with the Docker engine. I looked for something similar for Mac and found Colima. You can install it using Brew.
I leave an article about it Using Colima to Run Docker and Kubernetes Locally on a Mac | by Adwait Abhyankar | Medium

Hi please see if the following works for you:


Some versions of Docker Desktop might fail to start or function with the following error message:

Malware Blocked. “com.docker.vmnetd” was not opened because it contains malware. This action did not harm your Mac.


Those warnings are inaccurate. Docker Desktop is not affected by malware!

The root cause has been identified: some files in existing installations are incorrectly signed which can be fixed by copying correctly signed files from the application bundle.


Privileged users


If you face this issue, try the following procedure (requires root user access):

  1. Quit Docker Desktop and check that no remaining docker processes are running using the Activity Monitor
  2. Run the following commands:

#!/bin/bash # Stop the docker services echo “Stopping Docker…” sudo pkill ‘[dD]ocker’ # Stop the vmnetd service echo “Stopping com.docker.vmnetd service…” sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.docker.vmnetd.plist # Stop the socket service echo “Stopping com.docker.socket service…” sudo launchctl bootout system /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.docker.socket.plist # Remove vmnetd binary echo “Removing com.docker.vmnetd binary…” sudo rm -f /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.vmnetd # Remove socket binary echo “Removing com.docker.socket binary…” sudo rm -f /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.docker.socket # Install new binaries echo “Install new binaries…” sudo cp /Applications/ /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/ sudo cp /Applications/ /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/

  1. Restart Docker Desktop

Non-privileged users

If the above instructions can’t be used because you don’t have root privileges or your Docker Desktop installation is managed by a Mobile Device Management solution, the above script needs to be executed by the MDM tool. Please contact your system administrators or Docker org owner for support.


Works for me! Thank you!

I see that the discussions here confuse people and after everyone shares they had the same issue and share the same screenshots as many users already shared, the correct link to the issue and recommended solutions are hard to find. It makes new users share the same link again and again which is lost again or open a new issue instead of joining to the existing issue.

I’m going to close this topic and share the link again the last time to the issue on GitHub. Thank you for all the suggestions and reports, but please visit the issue on GitHub if you want to add more notes or get more, up-to-date information from the developers working hard on a permanent solution.


A post was split to a new topic: Incompatible CPU detected on macOS