Currently I’m testing the official MariaDB dock
When I use the default location for the DB everything is working fine.
Now that I’ve changed the following paths an permission error occurs;
Not quite sure what you mean with ‘changed the paths’, but in general you shouldn’t change anything, but instead mount a folder or a volume into /var/lib/mysql. Read the section ‘Where to store data’ in the docs for the MariaDB image for more information.
If /volume1/data/mariadb is a folder on your host and you mount it into the container, then don’t do that. Use a named volume instead. I don’t know what system you use, but you can only use local folders for database libraries on Linux and even here under certain circumstances only.
But the others are no database containers? A database doesn’t just write and read files, it needs a high performance access to the file system. If something is wrong here, you get error messages that are not very helpful.