Messed up my docker during upgrade! - please help

On Rpi, to upgrade I upgrade like:
docker compose pull zigbee2mqtt
docker compose up -d zigbee2mqtt

On Ubuntu server, I have “docker-compose” - so I tried:

andre@ODIN ~ [1]> docker-compose images
Container       Repository         Tag       Image Id       Size  
Dashy       lissy93/dashy         latest   aa27948500bd   484.6 MB
grafana     grafana/grafana-oss   latest   8387f19108f9   399 MB  
andre@ODIN ~ [1]> docker-compose pull grafana
Pulling grafana ... done
andre@ODIN ~> docker-compose images
Container    Repository      Tag       Image Id       Size  
Dashy       lissy93/dashy   latest   aa27948500bd   484.6 MB
grafana     <none>          <none>   8387f19108f9   399 MB  
andre@ODIN ~> docker-compose up -d grafana
Recreating grafana ... done
andre@ODIN ~> docker-compose images
Container       Repository         Tag       Image Id       Size  
Dashy       lissy93/dashy         latest   aa27948500bd   484.6 MB
grafana     grafana/grafana-oss   latest   0f0854bf6f9d   452.9 MB
andre@ODIN ~> 

Now the grafana is a first-time run, apparently my config is gone, and it logs on using “admin/admin”
What did I do?
Please help me recover the previous grafana data, and tell me how to upgrade correctly :slight_smile:

more info:

andre@ODIN ~> docker-compose images
Container       Repository         Tag       Image Id       Size  
Dashy       lissy93/dashy         latest   aa27948500bd   484.6 MB
grafana     grafana/grafana-oss   latest   0f0854bf6f9d   452.9 MB
andre@ODIN ~> docker volume ls

andre@ODIN ~> cat docker-compose.yml 
version: "3.8"
    # To build from source, replace 'image: lissy93/dashy' with 'build: .'
    # build: .
    image: lissy93/dashy
    container_name: Dashy
    # Pass in your config file below, by specifying the path on your host machine
    # volumes:
      # - /root/my-config.yml:/app/public/conf.yml
      - 81:80
    # Set any environmental variables
      - NODE_ENV=production
    # Specify your user ID and group ID. You can find this by running `id -u` and `id -g`
    #  - UID=1000
    #  - GID=1000
    # Specify restart policy
    restart: unless-stopped
    # Configure healthchecks
      test: ['CMD', 'node', '/app/services/healthcheck']
      interval: 1m30s
      timeout: 10s
      retries: 3
      start_period: 40s

    image: grafana/grafana-oss
    container_name: grafana
    restart: unless-stopped
     - '3000:3000'
andre@ODIN ~> 

Your Grafana data is gone.

You need to persist data with Docker volumes or bind mounts. Otherwise data is gone upon container re-creation.

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how to do it now so I do not lose it again?

Have you tried starting with the image description?

Where you can find the Grafana documentation explaining the installation on Docker

You can also read the Docker documentation, just search for “docker volumes”

Check the Docker volumes doc.