Hello people, I’m learning Docker.
I’m facing an issue trying to mount on a BoxDrive folder - which appears to me as a mounted volume in windows.
I’m running Airflow Containers (with docker compose).
However, I can’t access the box associated path volume inside of my container.
In Docker compose yml:
Here’s what I tried.
1 - Using the terminal inside the container, access the folder. Didn’t work. I was not able to access the directory (the color was red in bash)
Error: bash cd input/output error
2 - Created a network share in windows and updated the docker compose
This time, I was able to access the …/box directory, but there was no files there.
3 - I found this topic explaining how to mount WSL in BoxDrive, but I was not able to run the commands people wrote there.
opened 11:25PM - 16 Jul 19 UTC
closed 12:09PM - 18 Apr 24 UTC
file system
Please use the following bug reporting template to help produce issues which are… actionable and reproducible, including **all** command-line steps necessary to induce the failure condition. Please fill out **all** the fields! Issues with missing or incomplete issue templates will be closed.
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**Please fill out the below information:**
* Your Windows build number: (Type `ver` at a Windows Command Prompt)
`Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.18362.239]`
* What you're doing and what's happening: (Copy&paste the full set of _specific_ command-line steps necessary to reproduce the behavior, and their output. Include screen shots if that helps demonstrate the problem.)
Trying to copy files to the new [BoxDrive](https://community.box.com/t5/Getting-Started-with-Box-Drive/Switching-from-Box-Sync-to-Box-Drive/ta-p/50126).
* What's wrong / what should be happening instead:
I get a permission error if I try to access the folder. A different error if I try to mount.
(base) balter@spectre:/mnt/c$ ll
ls: cannot read symbolic link 'Box': Input/output error
ls: cannot read symbolic link 'Documents and Settings': Permission denied
ls: cannot access 'hiberfil.sys': Permission denied
ls: cannot access 'pagefile.sys': Permission denied
ls: PerfLogs: Permission denied
ls: cannot access 'swapfile.sys': Permission denied
ls: 'System Volume Information': Permission denied
total 152
drwxrwxrwx 1 balter balter 4096 Jun 10 16:12 '$Recycle.Bin'/
drwxrwxrwx 1 balter balter 4096 Jul 16 10:36 ./
drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 4096 Jul 16 00:41 ../
lrwxrwxrwx 1 balter balter 0 Jul 16 07:50 Box
lrwxrwxrwx 1 balter balter 12 Jun 10 15:55 'Documents and Settings'
drwxrwxrwx 1 balter balter 4096 Jun 10 16:09 Intel/
drwxrwxrwx 1 balter balter 4096 Jul 16 07:38 OneDriveTemp/
d--x--x--x 1 balter balter 4096 Mar 18 21:52 PerfLogs/
(base) balter@spectre:/mnt/c$ ls Box
ls: cannot access 'Box': Input/output error
(base) balter@spectre:/mnt/c$ cd Box
bash: cd: Box: Input/output error
(base) balter@spectre:/mnt/c$ ls /mnt
box c
(base) balter@spectre:/mnt/c$ sudo mount -t drvfs Box /mnt/box
[sudo] password for balter:
mount: /mnt/box: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on Box, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.
<3>init: (14092) ERROR: UtilCreateProcessAndWait:360: /bin/mount failed with status 0x2000
No error information
The Box folder is actually located in `...\AppData\Local\Box\Box`, but there aren't files there. It's a sort of database. I have no idea what method they are using to create the volume that appears in my C drive.
You could kick me back to Box on this one, but they have steadfastly refused to support linux of any kind. So perhaps if Windows folks know what kind of drive protocol they are using, there might be a way to map it from WSL.
* Strace of the failing command, if applicable: (If `some_command` is failing, then run `strace -o some_command.strace -f some_command some_args`, and link the contents of `some_command.strace` in a [gist](https://gist.github.com/) here).
* For WSL launch issues, please [collect detailed logs](https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#8-detailed-logs).
See [our contributing instructions](https://github.com/Microsoft/WSL/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md) for assistance.
Do you folks have any idea of what could be done?