Multiple projects on one Dockerfile and docker-compose.yml

I’m starting with Docker and in my opinion is great! Now I’m looking solution for this organization:
Now I have this structure:

| +--app1
| |  +--node_modules   
| |  +--package.json  
| |  +--...  
| +--app2  
| |  +--node_modules
| |  +--package.json  
| |  +--...  
| ....   
| docker-compose.app1.yml
| docker-compose.app2.yml
| ....
| Dockerfile  //my personalized image for all projects

But I want reach this:

| +--app1  
| |  +--node_modules //empty in host  
| |  +--package.json  
| |  +--docker-compose.app1.yml  //override compose
| |  +--...  
| +--app2  
| |  +--node_modules  //empty in host  
| |  +--package.json  
| |  +--...  
| ....  
| +--node_modules //global node_modules folder (linked to projects)  
| docker-compose.yml //principal compose  
| Dockerfile  //my personalized image for all projects

I thinking too about create one global “server” and link all projects on VHosts but how I’ll get access to each of project?

is it too late to answer your question but I found this today regarding the same concern as yours.

How to build multiple .netcore projects in one solution.