Mysql container exits with status: Exited (139)

I am facing an issue when i want to run a mysql container: I tried with the example command i found on the Docker hub:

docker run --name some-mysql -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=my-secret-pw -d mysql:5.6.24
docker ps -a
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE               COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS                       PORTS               NAMES
2569c1a8cbd2        mysql:5.6.24        "/ mysq…"   5 seconds ago       Exited (139) 4 seconds ago                       some-mysql

Shows that the container exited with code 139

And i can’t have a single line of logs: the return of the docker logs command is empty…

~ docker logs 2569c1a8cbd2 

I am using Docker(v19.03.1, build 74b1e89) for Debian(v10.0) on x86/amd64 architecture