I have created MySQL Dockers Master Slave on separate with following options.
Virtual Host 1:
Docker for Master on User defined Overlay Network - Network_M
MySQL Port: 4999
MySQL version : 8.0.18
Virtual Host 2:
Docker for Slave on User defined Overlay Network - Network_S
MySQL port :5999
Server-id: 5999
MySQL version : 8.0.18
NOTE: I realized I can push changes from either node. So it turns out multi master replication.
Questions follows:
- Is this the correct way to configure Master Slave replication for MySQL using Overlay Network?
- What is the correct way to configure Master Slave replication for MySQL using Overlay Network?
- After above configuration Slave is allowing to create objects. Is there any way to configure Slave to create and make data changes from Master only?
- Do I need different Overlay Network on each host?
- Can Master slave replication be configured using Overlay Network - Manager and Worker?
- Is there any extra advantage of above architecture?