MySQL Master Slave using Docker, Overlay Network for each hosts

I have created MySQL Dockers Master Slave on separate with following options.

Virtual Host 1:
Docker for Master on User defined Overlay Network - Network_M
MySQL Port: 4999
MySQL version : 8.0.18

Virtual Host 2:
Docker for Slave on User defined Overlay Network - Network_S
MySQL port :5999
Server-id: 5999
MySQL version : 8.0.18

NOTE: I realized I can push changes from either node. So it turns out multi master replication.

Questions follows:

  1. Is this the correct way to configure Master Slave replication for MySQL using Overlay Network?
  2. What is the correct way to configure Master Slave replication for MySQL using Overlay Network?
  3. After above configuration Slave is allowing to create objects. Is there any way to configure Slave to create and make data changes from Master only?
  4. Do I need different Overlay Network on each host?
  5. Can Master slave replication be configured using Overlay Network - Manager and Worker?
  6. Is there any extra advantage of above architecture?
