I am having a dotnet core application which is running some python libraries and blazemeter tool to run load testing for website URLs. For that I have a dotnet API application which when executed runs a blazemeter tool using python libraries to run the load test and produce results. The parameters will be passed using dotnet API and it needs to be executed.
Here I am trying to dockerize this application as a docker image and host in container for easy CI/CD process. But there seems to be an issue with the image where I need to install all the dependencies and then the application DLLs to be created as an image. In the image, I am not able to install VC++ redistributable which is a mandatory for rapidfuzz python library. When I try to install VC++, I need to install the exe downloading from Microsoft library and execute using Entrypoint["cmd’}. For installing the dotnet libraries, I am using Entrypoint[“dotnet”, “Project.dll”]. I will not be able to use two Entrypoints in the same dockerfile. Not sure how to proceed. Please find attached my dockerfile entry which i tried using:
FROM Microsoft Artifact Registry
WORKDIR /appCOPY VC_redist.x64.exe .
RUN VC_redist.x64.exe /install /passive /norestart /log out.txt
COPY [“/Python.zip”, “.”]
COPY [“/Java.zip”, “.”]ENTRYPOINT [“cmd”]
FROM Microsoft sdk:6.0 AS build-env
WORKDIR /appCopy csproj and restore as distinct layers
COPY *.csproj ./
RUN dotnet restoreCopy everything else and build
COPY . ./
RUN dotnet publish -c Release -o outBuild runtime image
FROM aspnet library
COPY --from=build-env /app/out .
ENTRYPOINT [“dotnet”, “TestDesignStudioAPI.dll”]
In the above Dockerfile, I am trying the below steps:
- Install VC++ redistributable
- Copy Python files to image and extract them inside the “app” work directory.
- Copy Java files to image and extract them inside the “app” work directory.
4, Later I will need to set environment variables for both Python and Java which I am currently doing directly in command prompt inside the app directory of the image. - Build, publish my dotnet dll as an image.
If I do the steps 4 separately as an image, it is working fine installing the VC++ redistributable. Also If I do the step 5 separately, it is creating an image, and i when I host it in container and assign a port, the application is running fine.
Not sure how to do everything as a single image and make my application work fine. Can anyone please suggest a feasible solution on how to achieve this?
Thanks in Advance.