.net core 6 docker build error

Expected behavior

Run docker build command and build an image that can be run

Actual behavior

executor failed running [/bin/sh -c dotnet build “amory.csproj” -c Release -o /app/build]: exit code: 1

Additional Information

GitHUB Repo: https://github.com/shawn-freeman/amory

I have been able to deploy the image to AWS ECR and finally to AppRunner through VS 2022 context menu “Publish Container to AWS…”. The menu dialog generated the original Dockerfile. I am trying to convert the Dockerfile to use docker-compose since I will be needing a postgreSQL database but I can’t even get the original Dockerfile to build unless I use VS.

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. Change line 10 in Dockerfile to COPY [“amory.csproj”, “amory/”]
  2. Run Command: docker build --tag amory-api