Network issue on Windows Server 2016 TP4 - The network is not present or not started


I am working Docker containers on windows and I have faced a serious issue. I hade made some somtainers and they worked fine. Then I restarded the Host server and the do not want to start anymore. When I want to start them (Docker.exe start webserver01 ) I get an errormessage:

Error response from daemon: Cannot start container. HCSShim::CreateComputeSystem - Win32 API call returned error. The network is not present or not started. ,“Devices”:[{“DeviceType”:“Network”,“Connection”:{“NetworkName”:“Virtual Switch”,“EnableNat”:false,“Nat”:{“Name”:“ContainerNAT”,“PortBindings”:[{"Protocol…

The all objects it mentions are there.

Name : ContainerNAT
InterfaceDescription : Hyper-V Virtual Ethernet Adapter
InterfaceOperationalStatus : Up
AdminStatus : Up
MediaConnectionState : Connected
Host OS: Windows Server 2016 TP4

NetAdapter IP config:
Ethernet adapter ContainerNAT:
Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
IPv4 Address. . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :

Interfaces which belongs to NetAdapter above:
InterfaceAlias : ContainerNAT
AddressFamily : IPv4

Virtual Switch:
Name : Virtual Switch
BandwidthReservationMode : Absolute
NATSubnetAddress :
SwitchType : NAT
AllowManagementOS : True

Do you know what is the issue? Please help me.

Thank you for your help in this matter.