Nginx Proxy Manager or Traefik Proxy with HTTPS

Hello all,

I’m using portainer-ce, maybe I should go for the portainer take-3 but that is not my current question.

I keep reading to use the Traefik Proxy, but for some reason that did not work and I have setup everything with the Nginx Proxy Manager. Even my portainer-ce is running nice with an SSL (Let’s Encrypt).

Will the Nginx Proxy Manager, running on port 81 give me trouble when building/using more containers or is the Traefik Proxy the way to go?

My main question is: can the Nginx Proxy manager give me any trouble (yes or no)

Thank you.


We use nginx-proxy with LetsEncrypt companion for simple Docker, and Traefik for Docker Swarm. Both do configuration discovery with env vars or labels, respectively.

It`s best practice to run Traefik on ports 80+443 when serving web pages, but you can change that. Other services on other ports will not impact Traefik.

Just note that for LetsEncrypt TLS certs, depending on the challenge type (http, tls, dns), you might need to use a certain port. That’s probably also true for nginx-proxy-manager.

Check simple Traefik example to get started.