Npm install caching, with optimized build file

Hi - is there any way to cache npm install for changes to package.json - ie. with an optimised Dockerfile, I do the following, but any add/remove from dependencies in package.json causes an entire reinstall?

  COPY package.json .
  RUN npm install
  COPY . .

Note the 2nd copy (COPY . .) is the source, which isnt copied over anywhere in the dockerfile before the COPY package.json.

I could look into using a local npm cache onto the host, but have tried this & not immediately working (times out looking for the cache).

Iā€™ve got an interim solution for my own purposes - I have a root image, and am building other images from it that all share common npm packages (and therefore their dependencies) - Iā€™ve added a package.json to the root image & subsequent npm install - so as long as the child container images use the same source folder (eg. WORKDIR src) then only newer or added npm packages will be downloaded - this typically speeds up my child builds by over 95%.

This is fairly similar to what Iā€™ve done with other interpreted languages.

If I find myself fiddling with packages.json (or requirements.txt, or Gemfile), Iā€™ll try to identify the dependencies that Iā€™m not likely to change for my next several immediate tasks. That might be django, or database libraries, or rails-- That sort of thing. I will then create a separate RUN that will pip install or gem install those identified dependencies, and then my subsequent pip install or npm install or whatever will take less time.

Once Iā€™ve kind of ā€œsettledā€ on what I think dependencies should be for a while, Iā€™ll squash it back down and let my CI system build from there.

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Would mapping a Volume between the dock and your build machineā€™s npm cache work?

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@bamboojim can you map a volume at a point in the build process? What impact does that have on the docker cache? Iā€™d also need to check how to use a folder outside of the package.json location as a cache, while keeping the npm registry as primary ā€¦

Sounds sensible - squashing is something I havent looked into yet!