npm install in network_mode host not working with docker-compose

I am running mode-red module of nodejs with docker-compose in following way:

version: "3"
        build: node-red/.
        container_name: mynodered
        network_mode: "host"
         - $PWD/data/node:/data
         - "1880:1880"

I have placed the following docker file in folder node-red:

FROM nodered/node-red-docker:v8
RUN npm i -S basic-auth bcryptjs body-parser cheerio clone cookie cookie-parser cors cron express express-session follow-redirects fs-extra fs.notify hash-sum i18next is-utf8 js-yaml json-stringify-safe jsonata media-typer memorystore mqtt multer mustache node-red-contrib-cloudera node-red-contrib-confluent node-red-contrib-ksql node-red-contrib-python-function node-red-contrib-rdkafka node-red-contrib-s3 node-red-node-email node-red-node-feedparser node-red-node-rbe node-red-node-twitter nopt oauth2orize on-headers passport passport-http-bearer passport-oauth2-client-password raw-body semver sentiment uglify-js when ws xml2js && npm i -D chromedriver grunt grunt-chmod grunt-cli grunt-concurrent grunt-contrib-clean grunt-contrib-compress grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-copy grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-contrib-uglify grunt-contrib-watch grunt-jsonlint grunt-mocha-istanbul grunt-nodemon grunt-sass grunt-simple-mocha grunt-webdriver istanbul mocha should sinon supertest wdio-chromedriver-service wdio-mocha-framework wdio-spec-reporter webdriverio && npm i -O bcrypt

When i am building image explicitly from this docker file in following way,its working fine
docker build --network host -t dvnode .

But when i am using docker-compose,it gives following error:

docker-compose up
Building node-red
Step 1/2 : FROM nodered/node-red-docker:v8
 ---> 8d6fdff59c2c
Step 2/2 : RUN npm i -S basic-auth bcryptjs body-parser cheerio clone cookie cookie-parser cors cron express express-session follow-redirects fs-extra fs.notify hash-sum i18next is-utf8 js-yaml json-stringify-safe jsonata media-typer memorystore mqtt multer mustache node-red-contrib-cloudera node-red-contrib-confluent node-red-contrib-ksql node-red-contrib-python-function node-red-contrib-rdkafka node-red-contrib-s3 node-red-node-email node-red-node-feedparser node-red-node-rbe node-red-node-twitter nopt oauth2orize on-headers passport passport-http-bearer passport-oauth2-client-password raw-body semver sentiment uglify-js when ws xml2js && npm i -D chromedriver grunt grunt-chmod grunt-cli grunt-concurrent grunt-contrib-clean grunt-contrib-compress grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-copy grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-contrib-uglify grunt-contrib-watch grunt-jsonlint grunt-mocha-istanbul grunt-nodemon grunt-sass grunt-simple-mocha grunt-webdriver istanbul mocha should sinon supertest wdio-chromedriver-service wdio-mocha-framework wdio-spec-reporter webdriverio && npm i -O bcrypt
 ---> Running in a69e76805cc1
npm WARN registry Unexpected warning for Miscellaneous Warning EAI_AGAIN: request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN
npm WARN registry Using stale package data from due to a request error during revalidation.
npm ERR! code EAI_AGAIN
npm ERR! errno EAI_AGAIN
npm ERR! request to failed, reason: getaddrinfo EAI_AGAIN

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /usr/src/node-red/.npm/_logs/2018-05-03T08_10_08_489Z-debug.log
ERROR: Service 'node-red' failed to build: The command '/bin/sh -c npm i -S basic-auth bcryptjs body-parser cheerio clone cookie cookie-parser cors cron express express-session follow-redirects fs-extra fs.notify hash-sum i18next is-utf8 js-yaml json-stringify-safe jsonata media-typer memorystore mqtt multer mustache node-red-contrib-cloudera node-red-contrib-confluent node-red-contrib-ksql node-red-contrib-python-function node-red-contrib-rdkafka node-red-contrib-s3 node-red-node-email node-red-node-feedparser node-red-node-rbe node-red-node-twitter nopt oauth2orize on-headers passport passport-http-bearer passport-oauth2-client-password raw-body semver sentiment uglify-js when ws xml2js && npm i -D chromedriver grunt grunt-chmod grunt-cli grunt-concurrent grunt-contrib-clean grunt-contrib-compress grunt-contrib-concat grunt-contrib-copy grunt-contrib-jshint grunt-contrib-uglify grunt-contrib-watch grunt-jsonlint grunt-mocha-istanbul grunt-nodemon grunt-sass grunt-simple-mocha grunt-webdriver istanbul mocha should sinon supertest wdio-chromedriver-service wdio-mocha-framework wdio-spec-reporter webdriverio && npm i -O bcrypt' returned a non-zero code: 1
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