Persistance of data-only container

Hi there, i have data-only container (mongodb-data) for my MongoDB container specified by this Dockerfile

FROM busybox:latest
RUN mkdir -p /data/db
VOLUME /data/db
CMD ["true"]

the mongodb container is run by fleet by this command

docker run --rm --name mongodb -p 27017:27017 --volumes-from mongodb-data letsgood/mongodb

the problem is that from time to time is this container deleted and all data are lost and i cant figure it why? when i remove the data container by force

docker rm -f mongodb-data

nothing happend, fleet restart this container i quess and data are here. but after lets say 20 hours the data are lost…

anybody can help me with this? thx in advance


mmm, I’ve never seen this happen using Docker. I’d suggest you’ll need to turn on fleet and docker debug logging and see who’s done what.

docker logs mongodb-data and docker events, running when things are ok, may give you a timeframe too.


docker logs mongodb-data

doesn’t output anything, maybe because mongodb-data is data-only container, which is used only when is needed…

yeah, its a long shot, based on the fact that something very surprising is happening.

what do the other 2 show - the Docker daemon debug log should at least tell you if something asked it to remove the volume container.