Problem starting a container, unable to start a "not running" container


I don’t know if it’s related to today’s update, but I have a problem starting a docker container.

(Windows X)

Here is my trace. What can I do ?

PS U:> docker start f0c61e4b4f3e
Error response from daemon: container
“f0c61e4b4f3e06e14b4750234213a47f1aa1b19f08e70486df161b5ac07d3af6”: already exists

PS U:> docker stop f0c61e4b4f3e

PS U:> docker start f0c61e4b4f3e
Error response from daemon: container “f0c61e4b4f3e06e14b4750234213a47f1aa1b19f08e70486df161b5ac07d3af6”: already exists

PS U:> docker kill f0c61e4b4f3e
Error response from daemon: Cannot kill container: f0c61e4b4f3e: Container f0c61e4b4f3e06e14b4750234213a47f1aa1b19f08e70486df161b5ac07d3af6 is not running

PS U:> docker restart f0c61e4b4f3e
Error response from daemon: Cannot restart container f0c61e4b4f3e: container “f0c61e4b4f3e06e14b4750234213a47f1aa1b19f08e70486df161b5ac07d3af6”: already exists

PS U:> docker attach f0c61e4b4f3e
You cannot attach to a stopped container, start it first

technically is supposed to be

docker run (start a container for the 1st time)
docker stop ) stop a running container)
docker start  (a stopped container)
docker restart

I have the same issue (on Centos 7 and Docker CE 18.02.0-ce-rc2).

When I do Docker ps -a I see the containers and they show as stopped, but when I try to start them it tells me that they already exist, and attempts to stop and kill them have failed. Have you had any success resolving the issue?

Edit: It looks like there is a Github issue for this:

how are you ‘starting’ them? like this?

docker start id

Yes, the issue is happening regardless of whether I use the name or the id (both the short and long hash). And it is happening regardless of whether I use start or restart to try and start the container, and regardless of whether I use stop or kill to stop the container. It appears to be a known issue after upgrading to the latest version of Docker:

I begin to experience this issue after updating to Version 18.02.0-ce-rc2-mac51 (22446), I have only the bridge network, no other containers or images but postgres and phppgadmin; after stopping the containers they won’t start again, throwing error

Error response from daemon: container “4a082217387592dc9ef5e675f326ddf33dedf4ead8d52def7ab9b3453073ede4”: already exists

I tried disconnecting the containers from the bridge network, restarting docker and they still won’t start

sounds like a docker bug

Linux is also affected. Here is a link to GitHub issue .
I just wonder why there is no patch for so long time…