Problem with insecure-registries

I’m pulling docker images from a private registry hosted on artifactory. I use the insecure-registries setting key to specify the URL of the registry to ensure the TLS verification is skipped.
My host machine has Windows OS.
While using the latest version of docker, it seems to be ignoring the insecure-registries setting.

Steps to reproduce the problem:

  1. Install docker using latest installer (4.34.3)
  2. Update the daemon.json to add the insecure-registries key and value.
  3. Restart Docker Desktop.
  4. Verify insecure-registries being reflected in the output of “docker info” command.5.
  5. docker login → Succeeds
  6. docker pull /user-service:latest → Command fails. The error mentions TLS verification error.

Workaround for me is:

  1. Install docker using older installer (4.31.1)
  2. Update the daemon.json to add the insecure-registries key and value.
  3. Restart Docker Desktop.
  4. Verify insecure-registries being reflected in the output of “docker info” command.
  5. Update to latest version from within the app. So we are now on 4.34.3
  6. docker login → Succeeds
  7. docker pull /user-service:latest → Succeeds
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I have the same issue, although due to Org policy I can’t downgrade to a lower version to fix it.

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i am face the same issue