I was wondering if someone could shed some light on the issue im having,
Currently using this docker compose and its working fine but im not sure why when i upload content it does not show on the host, but in the container it shows correctly
thanks for the reply, very odd because the volumes seems that are correctly configured im trying to find another docker image with fail2ban but i guess ill keep looking
ill post back to see how it goes
thank you
I wouldn’t be sure about that. You might want to exec into the container and actually check where the uploaded files are stored in the container. After reading the dockerhub description yesterday, I feel the description remains ambiguous about which container folders need to be mapped as volume. I wouldn’t be surprised if the data is written into the container file system, which would align with your experience.
hi there again, so after a while finally found sftp docker which does not lose the information and makes it persistent https://www.knuterikevensen.com/2021/04/16/setting-up-a-sftpgo-sftp-server-on-a-hetzner-ubuntu-20-10-server/
the only thing i could not get it working is the defender, as it seems a bit different in docker
At least this image is up-to-date, and the documentation is clear about what folders need to be mapped as volume.
Though, I have no idea what the container does or doesn’t do with the default configuration and I can’t really help with function aspects of the configuration. Someone who actually uses this image might be able to do so.
If I were you, I would simply try it in the cycle: test, lookup required configuration in the documentation, apply configuration, restart the container, until the configuration allows everything needed.
Thank you for the reply, as reading a bit on the documentation everything is working great, just the defender part is the fail2ban part sftpgo/defender.md at main · drakkan/sftpgo · GitHub
in the docs say a bit of the configuration but does not show how to enable it