React native development enviorment for building apps on web, ios and android


I’m new to Docker and wanted to understand if this would be a good use case for using docker.

My plan is to create a react native development environment for a team. The environment should be capable of developing for web, ios and andorid devices. However I need emulators to see development process for android and ios devices. Is there a point of creating multiple containers to see the development process for all the device types or should I just develop it on host machine where i have the emulators?

This is a general question because i tried to set up this environment and it was very slow, possibly i’m doing something wrong but wanted to know if there is even a point of trying to achieve this type of set up. :thinking:

Not sure how you would want to run an iOS emulator within a Docker (Linux) container.

Also containers usually do not support graphical applications, like emulators for Android and iOS.

Okay. Did not really answer my question. Will stick to some sort of hybrid variant that my container is communicating with the host and hopefully that will work.

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