Good morning,
I’m approaching docker swarm now and I’m having trouble finding some information.
My goal is to create a gitlab or travis deployment to my swarm cluster, I created my manager node with the docker swarm init command and created a docker registry as a service; as indicated in the official documentation.
Here is my very simple dockerfile
FROM node:9.5.0
ADD . .
RUN yarn install
CMD [ "yarn", "start" ]
and here my compose
version: '3'
image: <registry_url>:<registry_port>/healthcheck
build: .
Launching the command
docker-compose push
from another not-swarm server in the work fine and my image is correctly uploaded to the registry.
So now I think I have to deploy my stack with something like this (remember that I am running the following command from another server)
export DOCKER_HOST=tcp://<my_manager_url>:<my_manager_port>
docker stack deploy --compose-file docker-compose.yml healthcheck
but the swarm server reject me and i don’t know witch is the right port.
I think it must be configured in some way but I have not found anything about it.
I’m on the right way? Could you suggest me the documentation I did not find?
Thanks in advance