Remove container after deleting the docker compose file

I’m sorry if I’m posting to the wrong category, but this one seemed to be the best one.
I have a issue on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS where I used nginx proxy manager docker container, and I wanted to remove the container and I deleted the docker-compose.yml file. After I realized my mistake and I can’t get the container to stop. Tried deleting it’s data folders. But after reboot they come back. How could I fix that?

Did you have tried removing the container using Docker Desktop (if you have it).

Otherwise you can remove it using the docker container rm command. (docker container rm | Docker Docs)

Have you tried to docker rm -f <container name or id>?
Of course, you need to replace <container name or id> with an actual value for the container.
You could always update the restart policy, so it doesn’t restart when the container is stopped:

 docker update --restart=no <container name or id>
