Repository usage estimates seem completely broken


I’m quite worried since the news DockerHub pricing and subscription.
Now it’s usage-based, including image storage.

My problem is that the storage estimations seem completely broken. I have several private repositories that I regularly clean up of temporary tags images and only keep the most important tags.

For instance I have a repo with only ONE tags, the UI indicate 1.2GB in DockerHub (1.4GB in Docker Desktop).
But in the “usage” page it indicates… 240.8 GB !

Does that mean that when we delete tags in a repo, it actually keep forever all subsequent used space ? That seems utterly broken. When we see that they want to charge $0.1 per additional GB I need to fix this urgently.

Thanks for any help.


What subscription do you have? Even with Pro, you could have only 5 GB storage for private repositories. Only business would allow 500GB. This would be the only one that allows using 240.8 GB…

The Usage page also has a date showing when it was updated. Was it is recently updated?

If I remember correctly, there was an admin page where you could delete untagged images, but it was discontiued probably. I don’t remember. When you delete a tag, the image could still be kept in the registry and “garbage collected” later… It is also possible that I just remember that I had version tags and build hashes so I actually had tags on all images.

Hello, I have Business subscription, and they estimates the total of space to 1.5 TB …

But that’s indeed a limitation on their side, I found this message when deleting tags:

“Deleting tags won’t remove the referenced digests or reduce storage. To free up space, delete repositories or wait for the Image Management tool launching in January for granular deletions.”

So, they better not charge me overprice for extra space until that Image Management tool is released.

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Since I got new information about this, I share the link here too

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but it is 2/6 now. when did you get the message?

It still shows the following message to me:

Deleting tags won’t remove the referenced digests or reduce storage. To free up space, delete the repository or wait for the Image Management tool launching in January for granular deletions.

I got this info today. The message is not up to date and it will be fixed.

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Created a github action to do this

although i feel like docker should use have a retention policy for us to clean up like harbor does

I agree, but the retention policy in Harbor only deletes tags and the garbage collection removes actual data. Garbage collection is included in the CNCF distribution project formerly known as “registry” and still available as “registry:2”, so it must be in Docker Hub too. Keeping data can also have benefits, but we don’t exactly know what the “image management tool” will be, so let’s wait until Docker publishes it and if anything is missing, we can ask for new features.

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