[Resolved]: Docker-compose not working in company network with proxy

Expected behavior

“docker-compose pull” downloads most recent images from Docker-Hub.
“docker-compose up -d” starts the containers

Actual behavior

the above named commands for docker-compose results in a html-fragment like:

The following error was encountered while trying to retrieve the URL:

Connection to failed.

The system returned: (111) Connection refused

The remote host or network may be down. Please try the request again.


  • the output of:
    • pinata diagnose -u on OSX
    • DockerDebugInfo.ps1 using Powershell on Windows
  • a reproducible case if this is a bug, Dockerfiles FTW
  • page URL if this is a docs issue or the name of a man page
  • host distribution and version ( OSX 10.10.x, OSX 10.11.x, Windows, etc )

OS Version
BuildNumber : 10586
Version : 10.0.10586

Installed Files
Verzeichnis: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

d----- 09.05.2016 09:14 resources
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 542720 AWSSDK.Core.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 387072 AWSSDK.S3.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 47616 Bugsnag.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 38912 Docker.Backend.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 179 Docker.Backend.dll.config
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 35328 Docker.Core.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 519 Docker.Core.dll.config
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 9216 Docker.Service.exe
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 531 Docker.Service.exe.config
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 543744 Docker.WPF.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 520 Docker.WPF.dll.config
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 958528 DockerForWindows.exe
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 518 DockerForWindows.exe.config
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 47616 HockeyApp.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 73728 HockeyAppPCL.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 16896 InstallerCli.exe
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 520 InstallerCli.exe.config
-a---- 08.07.2013 15:15 45416 Microsoft.Web.Infrastructure.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 522752 Newtonsoft.Json.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 107696 Ookii.Dialogs.Wpf.dll
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 3010560 System.Management.Automation.dll
-a---- 09.07.2013 11:04 168616 System.Net.Http.Formatting.dll
-a---- 09.07.2013 11:04 323240 System.Web.Http.dll
-a---- 09.07.2013 11:04 507048 System.Web.Mvc.dll
-a---- 09.07.2013 11:05 266944 System.Web.Razor.dll
-a---- 09.07.2013 11:05 41152 System.Web.WebPages.Deployment.dll
-a---- 09.07.2013 11:05 204480 System.Web.WebPages.dll
-a---- 09.07.2013 11:05 39616 System.Web.WebPages.Razor.dll

Installed Resources
Verzeichnis: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\resources
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name

d----- 09.05.2016 14:09 bin
d----- 09.05.2016 09:14 qemu-img
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 8256000 com.docker.agent.exe
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 11871744 com.docker.proxy.exe
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 3377 DockerDebugInfo.ps1
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:39 19217 LICENSE.rtf
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 72056832 mobylinux.iso
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 15361 MobyLinux.ps1
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 454110 OSS-LICENCE.rtf
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 40 sha1
-a---- 03.05.2016 16:38 4 UpdateChannel


Name : DockerNAT
ExternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix :
InternalIPInterfaceAddressPrefix :
IcmpQueryTimeout : 30
TcpEstablishedConnectionTimeout : 1800
TcpTransientConnectionTimeout : 120
TcpFilteringBehavior : AddressDependentFiltering
UdpFilteringBehavior : AddressDependentFiltering
UdpIdleSessionTimeout : 120
UdpInboundRefresh : False
Store : Local
Active : True

Steps to reproduce the behavior

  1. call “docker pull ” - all is working (pulling the image from docker-hub)
  2. call “docker-compose pull” in the same directory with a correct docker-compose.yml - get the error-message - works with docker toolbox or on an Linux system.

Ok, the problem seems to be connected with proxy-settings and old registry-entries for virtualbox (earlier installation of docker-toolbox).
Now I have deleted the registry entries and the http_proxy variable and all is running good.