My general question is: How can I restrict my containers from being able to access the internet (ping
wouldn’t work) but still be able to access other containers on my private network via their hostname (ping container_a
would still work).
My setup follows as such: I have an Orange Pi Zero running three docker containers, lets say container_a, container_b, and container_c. I have a user defined bridge network set up and all containers are connected to it.
I have removed internet access from my OPiZ by emptying the /etc/resolv.conf file.
I then noticed that my containers can still resolve, e.g. ping
does work in my container.
Each of my containers /etc/resolv.conf file looks like this by default:
options edns0 trust-ad ndots:0
As an effort to restrict internet access I commented out the lines in the /etc/resolv.conf file on container startup.
After doing this I noticed that my container_b couldn’t communicate with container_a via hostname anymore. e.g. ping container_a
no longer worked.
I had the thought that I could add
container_a <container ip>
to container_b’s /etc/hosts file and that would allow it to access container_a via hostname and obviously, this way container_b doesn’t have to reach out to the network to see if any container has the hostname “container_a” because it will be in the /etc/hosts file.
I ran this command to get the IP of container_a: sudo docker container inspect <container name> | jq -r '.[0].NetworkSettings.Networks.<network name>.IPAddress'
(substitute the values in the <> with real values)
Anyways, this worked and I was able to ping container_a
but I wonder if there is a “better” or “correct” way to do this.
What I would like to have happen is I can still reach outward to my private network so I don’t have to add an entry to each containers /etc/hosts file and the docker network can help me connect to the other containers via hostname but I want to prevent my containers from being able to access the internet.
How can I accomplish this?