Run a job at container startup - it doesn't run

I need to run a script to start a job when the container starts. I call the script in /etc/rc.local, it doesn’t run, I then add the line “@reboot /home/userid/” in crontab, but it still doesn’t run.

What could I have missed? The same runs find in the base Ubuntu system.

thanks for sharing any insight.


On which OS does it not run?

Typically containers run single processes, and those processes aren’t init(8) or crond(8).

Imagine you have a local command, say, /usr/local/bin/foo. You need to run a script to start a job when that command starts. How would you go about that? Those are the techniques you need to apply to do this.

This is a little easier in Docker space for two reasons. First, you control the default command, so you can make your wrapper script be /start-foo, and in your Dockerfile end with CMD /start-foo. The second is that Docker’s entrypoint feature gives a hook to do exactly this. I’ve seen at least a couple of examples floating around the forum.

Finally, this setup makes sense if you need to do some initialization (“before I run my application, I need to create some database tables”). If you need to actually start a second long-running process (“my application requires a database”) that’s best done by launching a second container. You can use Docker Compose to describe the multi-container setup.

Thanks much for the insight. I created an image for MQ from the Ubuntu 14.04 base, and I want to start the queue manager every time the container starts and shutdown the queue manager when it exit. with your point, it just hits me I could use entrypoint and CMD to trigger the job.