Run amd64 on Mac Silicon M3 Pro chip for ROS Noetic

Hello! I am relatively new to docker and am looking to setup containers so that I can run ROS Noetic through my mac (Mac Silicon M3Pro chip).

Currently I am getting a few issues:

  • a mismatch in the platform between the image platform, linux/amd64, and my host platform. I have tried both osrf/ros:noetic-desktop-full and ros:noetic images
  • exit code 134 when I am trying to run the Gazebo GUI from ROS, I have installed XQuarts and allowed access and gazebo apparently will run headless (gui:=false)

Would appreciate any help in getting this setup. Many thanks!

Hey, take a look at tonistiigi/binfmt image. This has worked for me where the image I’m using does not support my architecture!

Docker containers were developed for Linux. Standard Docker Engine runs on Linux. Most images are created for Linux. How do you run Docker on MacOS?

I don’t have anything with macOS, but I’d presume following this: