As part of learning docker, I’ve built an image (Ubuntu 14.04 LTS) with NodeJS and NGINX installed.
On my Dockerfile I create an app with express, install angular and then I have a problem
NGINX is not running when the container is created (maybe because it configured to pass traffic to port 3000, and no process listens to it), and for the app to run I have to write: CMD npm start on my Dockerfile
Without NGINX running, the app won’t work
I’ve tried to create /etc/init/nginx.conf making upstart to run it on boot, but it doesn’t work
What can I do to create my app, and still make both nginx and npm to run?
Does NGINX run and then exit, or does it simply not start? I’m also in the learning phase, and I found in my Apache containers, Apache would start and exit right away. This was because the CMD I was passing, apachectl start or service apache start would run and exit…at which point the container exited. The resolution was to simply run Apache in the foreground with -DFOREGROUND…or a simple ps -e | grep apache sleep loop.
It looks like you are doing something similar with npm start. Can you run it in the foreground or build a sleep loop around it?
In your case, since you need both process running, writing a wrapper script might be the better way to go since they both cannot be in the foreground. I am curious though if there is a “better” way to manage this scenario.
I haven’t searched deeply in nginx or upstart logs, but I think I’m having the same thing you have described
The dockerfile had:
RUN service nginx start
CMD npm start
The result - npm on, nginx off
Then I’ve tried:
RUN npm start &
CMD service nginx start
The result - npm off, nginx on
Then I’ve tried to use some ‘daemon off’ on nginx command - didn’t work
I read that some things won’t run because the container is attached, so I used - d on ‘docker build’ command
What do you mean in wrapper script? On which level should I write it?
I think this scenario should have an elegant solution
Now, in, I could have done something like this:
while ps -e | grep apache2
sleep 5
This script runs indefinitely as long as the apache2 process is running, therefore the container will not exit until this script exits. In reality, you would want better error trapping, etc. in a script like this, but it get the point across. You should be able to use something similar to this for your use case.
I know it isn’t the most elegant solution, but it is workable.
Something like this should work. The container started with nginx in the foreground so it didn’t exit. To test, I was able to bring up the welcome page on port 80.
I am wondering what was the solution for the problem. I also wanted to use nginx as reverse proxy on the same server. I dont want to create reverse proxy container
May I ask why you want to run Nginx and Node in one container? It’ll save you a lot of time if you go with the industry default and run each in a separate container, instead of banging your head on making it work in a single container.