Run tests inside Docker container with Jenkins

We want to give it a try to setup CI/CD with Jenkins for our project. The project itself has Elasticsearch and PostgreSQL as runtime dependencies and Webdriver for acceptance testing. In dev environment, everything is set up within one docker-compose.yml file and we have script to run acceptance tests.

After digging documentation I found that it’s potentially possible to build CI with following steps:

dockerize project
pull project from git repo
somehow pull docker-compose.yml and project Dockerfile - either:
put it in the project repo
put it in separate repo (this is how it’s done now)
put somewhere on a server and jut copy it over
execute docker-compose up
project’s Dockerfile will have ONBUILT section to run tests. Unit tests are run through mix tests and acceptance through scripts/ It’ll be cool to run them in parallel.
shutdown docker-compose, clean up containers
Because this is my first experience with Jenkins a series of questions arise:

Is this a viable strategy?
How to connect tests output with Jenkins?
How to run and shut down docker-compose?
Do we need/want to write a pipeline for that? Will we need/want pipeline when we will get to the CD on the next stage?

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if you use docker-compose and jenkins, be sure, that you do not use image-Tag. Build all Docker-Images fresh from the source. You want that your project is tested in the exact same revision as it is in the repository and not some arbitrary version from within a docker-compose file.

I also think it’s important to have a difference between production and development/testing environment. So I think it’s a failure to add your testing environment to your Images. It keeps your images larger as needed and adds complexity and attacking vectors.

Thank You for Sharing this Useful Information with us.

Have you got it working?