I’m using a docker-compose.yml file along with docker stack deploy to deploy a web service, a database service and some other supporting services across a cluster. This all works as expected.
The only piece I can’t work out is how to handle one off commands.
For example, I want to run the command bundle exec rake db:migrate within a web service container. That container needs to have access to the database server via it’s hostname. When using compose locally, it’s easy I can just use:
docker-compose run SERVICE_NAME CMD
But I can’t work out a way to do this on swarm. I’ve tried:
docker run -it --network=dcdeploydemo_default bundle exec rake db:migrate
But the hostname doesn’t resolve.
Similarly I want to be able to run bash in one of these containers and attach to it. What’s the current correct way of approaching this when using swarm?
In my case, my one-off task is scheduled to run from crond regularly and it needs a whole load of configs from docker swarm, so I wrote a docker-compose.yml but explicitly specify restart condition as none.
Say, the service name is my_service
docker service ls --filter name=my_service --format "{{.ID}}" | xargs --no-run-if-empty -I{} docker service rm {}
docker stack deploy --with-registry-auth -c docker-compose.yml my_service