Hi there i’m new here and hope this goes in the right category
My Docker-host has two public IPs:
A) xx.xx.xx.143
B) xx.xx.xx.139
I use interface A for my reverse-proxy and websites and would like to use Interface B for sending out my mails.
So i just set up a postfix Container with docker-compose with the following file:
version: "3"
image: postfix
- "xx.xx.xx.139:25:25"
- "xx.xx.xx.139:465:465"
- "xx.xx.xx.139:587:587"
- ./main.cf:/etc/postfix/main.cf
- mail
While this configuration works well for incoming traffic (i can connect to the Mailserver over Interface B) it doesn’t work as i want for outgoing Mails.
Don’t get me wrong i can send mails and they get delivered but as i can see in the Header of the mail they will be sent from IP xx.xx.xx.143 – Interface A
Any idea how i can force this container to send the mails out over Interface B?
Docker-Engine Version: 18.03.0-ce
Docker-API Version: 1.37
Docker-compose Version: 1.20.1
Thanks in advance