Select 'WAN' for NAT Docker Network

Hi all,

Can I create a ‘NAT’ network in the docker (Hyper-V and Windows container) what is use the specific NIC card as ‘WAN’?
The problem is the Windows container does not work when the Cisco AnyConnect VPN is active. (The Linux container work well with and without VPN, and that can handle proxy too)

I can create a ‘External Network’ adapter via Hyper-V Manager (VPN adapter is not selectable/working, the real NICs are work well), it works well on Windows Container, but that is not a ‘NAT’, just ‘transparent’.

I just want to create a NAT network, it should use the VPN adapter (that VPN adapter is created by Cisco AnyConnect VPN software).

Note: The docker does not see the ‘internal network’, that is created by Hyper-V Manager.