I’m able to run survice because tasks looping in create stop state because there is an error “HNS failed with error : The parameter is incorrect.”
Version: 18.03.1-ce-win65 (17513)
Channel: stable
Sha1: 93354b38bd7210badafff8e0ce1f0be9a465be83
Started on: 2018/07/24 17:03:13.534
Resources: C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Resources
OS: Windows 10 Pro
Edition: Professional
Id: 1803
Build: 17134
BuildLabName: 17134.1.amd64fre.rs4_release.180410-1804
File: C:\Users\AppData\Local\Docker\log.txt
CommandLine: “C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker\Docker for Windows.exe”
You can send feedback, including this log file, at https://github.com/docker/for-win/issues
[16:50:01.817][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Network ics (a96a292) restored
[16:50:01.817][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: [GET]=>[/networks/] Request :
[16:50:01.818][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Network Response : [ { “ActivityId” : “dc3074b3-d52a-48aa-9ab6-a5078314eba5”, “CurrentEndpointCount” : 0, “Extensions” : [ { “Id” : “e7c3b2f0-f3c5-48df-af2b-10fed6d72e7a”, “IsEnabled” : false, “Name” : “Microsoft Windows Filtering Platform” }, { “Id” : “e9b59cfa-2be1-4b21-828f-b6fbdbddc017”, “IsEnabled” : false, “Name” : “Microsoft Azure VFP Switch Extension” }, { “Id” : “ea24cd6c-d17a-4348-9190-09f0d5be83dd”, “IsEnabled” : false, “Name” : “Microsoft NDIS Capture” } ], “GatewayMacHash” : “00-15-5D-63-EC-90”, “ID” : “C08CB7B8-9B3C-408E-8E30-5E16A3AEB444”, “IsolateSwitch” : true, “LayeredOn” : “d80274ec-1ac5-4aec-8339-52a841fbed21”, “MacPools” : [ { “EndMacAddress” : “00-15-5D-63-EF-FF”, “StartMacAddress” : “00-15-5D-63-E0-00” } ], “MaxConcurrentEndpoints” : 0, “Name” : “Default Switch”, “Policies” : [ ], “Resources” : { “AllocationOrder” : 2, “Allocators” : [ { “AdapterNetCfgInstanceIdLoad” : “{3DF03A77-DBB6-4A24-B89B-3229996B39CB}”, “AllocationOrder” : 0, “CompartmendId” : 0, “Connected” : true, “DevicelessNic” : false, “EndpointNicGuid” : “59786585-3e5d-4db7-a34f-6095c9f0d1fc”, “EndpointPortGuid” : “e99b89ee-712e-4282-bdad-0788bc234f04”, “Hidden” : false, “ID” : “1e3a564f-c817-4f86-b2e4-8cba13546e6a”, “InterfaceGuid” : “3df03a77-dbb6-4a24-b89b-3229996b39cb”, “IsPolicy” : false, “IsolationId” : 0, “MacAddress” : “02-15-BA-B7-C0-99”, “ManagementPort” : true, “NicFriendlyName” : “Default Switch”, “NicId” : “”, “SwitchId” : “c08cb7b8-9b3c-408e-8e30-5e16a3aeb444”, “Tag” : “Host Vnic”, “Type” : 2, “WaitForIpv6Interface” : false }, { “AllocationOrder” : 1, “Dhcp” : true, “Dns” : true, “ICSFlags” : 0, “ID” : “735fb56e-2eba-4802-bb88-5acc53ce38ec”, “IsPolicy” : false, “NatName” : “ICS3df03a77-dbb6-4a24-b89b-3229996b39cb”, “Prefix” : 28, “PrivateInterfaceGUID” : “3df03a77-dbb6-4a24-b89b-3229996b39cb”, “SubnetIPAddress” : 3503758764, “Tag” : “ICS”, “Type” : 13 } ], “ID” : “dc3074b3-d52a-48aa-9ab6-a5078314eba5”, “PortOperationTime” : 0, “State” : 1, “SwitchOperationTime” : 0, “VfpOperationTime” : 0, “parentId” : “c9d773b1-35ac-46ce-9bdd-d9977e877afa” }, “State” : 1, “Subnets” : [ { “AddressPrefix” : “”, “GatewayAddress” : “” } ], “TotalEndpoints” : 0, “Type” : “ICS”, “Version” : 30064771074 }, { “ActivityId” : “ae12699e-63d7-4768-aebc-4ed43566f39b”, “AutomaticDNS” : true, “CurrentEndpointCount” : 0, “Extensions” : [ { “Id” : “e7c3b2f0-f3c5-48df-af2b-10fed6d72e7a”, “IsEnabled” : false, “Name” : “Microsoft Windows Filtering Platform” }, { “Id” : “e9b59cfa-2be1-4b21-828f-b6fbdbddc017”, “IsEnabled” : false, “Name” : “Microsoft Azure VFP Switch Extension” }, { “Id” : “ea24cd6c-d17a-4348-9190-09f0d5be83dd”, “IsEnabled” : false, “Name” : “Microsoft NDIS Capture” } ], “ID” : “a6cf7453-48f4-488a-8088-868297f85372”, “LayeredOn” : “260a4646-8889-42c2-8353-ba772c3f6d3a”, “MacPools” : [ { “EndMacAddress” : “00-15-5D-2E-8F-FF”, “StartMacAddress” : “00-15-5D-2E-80-00” } ], “MaxConcurrentEndpoints” : 3, “Name” : “nat”, “Policies” : [ ], “Resources” : { “AllocationOrder” : 2, “Allocators” : [ { “AdapterNetCfgInstanceIdLoad” : “{94897D25-6572-496E-9B6D-37ACD32EDBA4}”, “AllocationOrder” : 0, “CompartmendId” : 0, “Connected” : true, “DevicelessNic” : false, “EndpointNicGuid” : “13f5c3e1-3475-460b-bc11-24a9f79fde1d”, “EndpointPortGuid” : “e70053d1-5ce2-49cb-8d2b-679711f0c4b3”, “Hidden” : false, “ID” : “46ef5543-1c2f-4257-9b2d-f02ec13ae51c”, “InterfaceGuid” : “94897d25-6572-496e-9b6d-37acd32edba4”, “IsPolicy” : false, “IsolationId” : 0, “MacAddress” : “00-15-5D-2E-82-1C”, “ManagementPort” : true, “NicFriendlyName” : “nat”, “NicId” : “”, “SwitchId” : “02f104cb-06c9-4b73-814c-12c29544ce28”, “Tag” : “Host Vnic”, “Type” : 2, “WaitForIpv6Interface” : false }, { “AllocationOrder” : 1, “ID” : “296789cf-e75c-435e-8bdd-cf12b8d8428a”, “InternalIPPrefix” : “”, “IsPolicy” : false, “NatName” : “NAT94897d25-6572-496e-9b6d-37acd32edba4”, “Tag” : “NAT”, “Type” : 14 } ], “ID” : “ae12699e-63d7-4768-aebc-4ed43566f39b”, “PortOperationTime” : 0, “State” : 1, “SwitchOperationTime” : 0, “VfpOperationTime” : 0, “parentId” : “fe6c2dfe-122b-44d5-92d8-90cd5846fb8b” }, “State” : 1, “Subnets” : [ { “AddressPrefix” : “”, “GatewayAddress” : “” } ], “TotalEndpoints” : 11, “Type” : “nat”, “Version” : 30064771074 } ]
[16:51:00.308][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: releasing IPv4 pools from network webcore_webnet (l7m5hve83tpi2oaxb9risktm7)
[16:51:00.308][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: ReleaseAddress(LocalDefault/,
[16:51:00.310][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 1, start 0, end 0, any false, release true, serial:false curr:0
[16:51:00.310][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: ReleasePool(LocalDefault/
[16:51:00.310][WindowsDaemon ][Error ] fatal task error [node.id=rdasnhz5r9q9f49wpqrnuhois error=HNS failed with error : The parameter is incorrect. module=node/agent/taskmanager task.id=7nk3x2xh51s1gok7hk9wgvf5b service.id=grkd4j640lyxtx3tmo8e7jrxu]
[16:51:00.311][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: state changed [state.desired=READY node.id=rdasnhz5r9q9f49wpqrnuhois module=node/agent/taskmanager task.id=7nk3x2xh51s1gok7hk9wgvf5b service.id=grkd4j640lyxtx3tmo8e7jrxu state.transition=PREPARING->REJECTED]
[16:51:00.311][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: (*Agent).UpdateTaskStatus [module=node/agent node.id=rdasnhz5r9q9f49wpqrnuhois task.id=7nk3x2xh51s1gok7hk9wgvf5b]
[16:51:00.311][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: task status reported [module=node/agent node.id=rdasnhz5r9q9f49wpqrnuhois]
[16:51:00.311][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: (*Agent).UpdateTaskStatus [module=node/agent node.id=rdasnhz5r9q9f49wpqrnuhois task.id=7nk3x2xh51s1gok7hk9wgvf5b]
[16:51:00.311][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: task status reported [module=node/agent node.id=rdasnhz5r9q9f49wpqrnuhois]
[16:51:00.312][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: dispatcher committed status update to store [task.id=7nk3x2xh51s1gok7hk9wgvf5b state.transition=PREPARING->REJECTED module=dispatcher node.id=rdasnhz5r9q9f49wpqrnuhois method=(*Dispatcher).processUpdates]
[16:51:00.312][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: ReleaseAddress(GlobalDefault/,
[16:51:00.312][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 88, start 0, end 0, any false, release true, serial:false curr:89
[16:51:00.313][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: ReleaseAddress(GlobalDefault/,
[16:51:00.313][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 88, start 0, end 0, any false, release true, serial:false curr:89
[16:51:00.313][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.313][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 65535, any true, release false, serial:true curr:89
[16:51:00.313][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.313][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 255, any true, release false, serial:true curr:89
[16:51:00.314][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.336][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 65535, any true, release false, serial:true curr:90
[16:51:00.336][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.336][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 255, any true, release false, serial:true curr:90
[16:51:00.336][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.337][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 65535, any true, release false, serial:true curr:91
[16:51:00.337][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.337][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 255, any true, release false, serial:true curr:91
[16:51:00.337][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.337][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 65535, any true, release false, serial:true curr:92
[16:51:00.338][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: RequestAddress(GlobalDefault/, , map[com.docker.network.ipam.serial:true])
[16:51:00.338][WindowsDaemon ][Info ] debug: Received set for ordinal 0, start 0, end 255, any true, release false, serial:true curr:92