I’m trying to use the latest cloudstor:azure plugin, and getting the ping1 example working, as described here:
I created the volume, and it appears to be correct. I try and mount the volume in the service when I create it. It shows five replicas, but all of them are pending, and I do not understand why. Trying to get docker service logs
on the service results in an error Unrecognized input header: 69
, so I’m a little stumped.
Running the same command without the volume mount works just fine, so it’s something about the volume that makes it unhappy. Thoughts?
Additional Information
I created a three-node swarm manually (not using ACS), running Ubuntu 16.04LTS, and installed the latest docker images.
hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker --version Docker version 17.03.0-ce, build 60ccb22 hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker node ls ID HOSTNAME STATUS AVAILABILITY MANAGER STATUS exztq8kxi8ruc4ocmv1xalp1f swarm-03 Ready Active g92hvwpvk84wweoks3pyr4zv0 swarm-02 Ready Active l7bopju9jz3iw31uquckhr5pa * swarm-01 Ready Active Leader hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker plugin ls ID NAME DESCRIPTION ENABLED 6f685229a34a cloudstor:azure cloud storage plugin for Docker true hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME cloudstor:azure mysql-volume hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker network ls NETWORK ID NAME DRIVER SCOPE d15099c8dd93 bridge bridge local ca3df71e2a05 docker_gwbridge bridge local 1e551bbaeaa3 host host local rzhlhvs7ufuk ingress overlay swarm e97bdeaadadd none null local hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker volume ls DRIVER VOLUME NAME cloudstor:azure mysql-volume hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker volume inspect mysql-volume [ { "Driver": "cloudstor:azure", "Labels": {}, "Mountpoint": "/mnt/cloudstor/mysql-volume", "Name": "mysql-volume", "Options": {}, "Scope": "local" } ] hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker service create --replicas 5 --name ping1 --mount type=volume,volume-driver=docker4x/cloudstor:azure-v17.03.0-ce,source=mysql-volume,destination=/shareddata alpine ping docker.com tys1uop9p67rndalic9fhn701 hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker service ls ID NAME MODE REPLICAS IMAGE tys1uop9p67r ping1 replicated 0/5 alpine:latest hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker service ps tys1uop9p67r ID NAME IMAGE NODE DESIRED STATE CURRENT STATE ERROR PORTS 7vbv3gi1ga92 ping1.1 alpine:latest Running Pending 11 seconds ago lw51wrp2gnbz ping1.2 alpine:latest Running Pending 11 seconds ago xsw85sjdgku6 ping1.3 alpine:latest Running Pending 11 seconds ago h0sl2brmqcpm ping1.4 alpine:latest Running Pending 11 seconds ago q9f0xcxfr6hz ping1.5 alpine:latest Running Pending 11 seconds ago hoylu@swarm-01:~$ docker service logs tys1uop9p67r Unrecognized input header: 69