Setting IP address on Local Build


As we know, this command builds a local VM with the docker engine:

docker-machine create -d virtualbox

However, the IP address is random (mostly). I would like to set this to something specific. I know it’s not configurable on the command line. Where in the code can I do this? Is there a file with the VBoxManage command somewhere that I can access?


Yes, for VirtualBox you can do this using –virtualbox-hostonly-cidr. Below is a handy script that I use to do exactly this when creating a new docker-machine VM.

#--- Usage: d-machine-static new_dm_name new_dm_ip [new_dm_memory]
function d-machine-static {
    docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-hostonly-cidr "${new_dm_ip}/24" --virtualbox-memory "${new_dm_memory}" "${new_dm_name}"
    echo -e "\033[1;34m${new_dm_name}\033[0m = \033[0;32m$(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine ip ${new_dm_name})\033[0m"
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Excellent, thanks for this.

Where do you use this function? It looks like a shell function, which I will probably drop in a simple script. But where do you have it in your environment?

Thanks again. This is really helpful.

It depends on your operating system. For Mac you would want to add it to the hidden file .bash_profile in your home folder. If using it in a script then you will want to place it at the top of the script itself.

Here’s a command to to automatically add it to .bash_profile. Just copy-paste the following into your terminal, hit enter, and then restart terminal to have the function d-machine-static available for all future sessions:

echo '

#--- Usage: d-machine-static new_dm_name new_dm_ip [new_dm_memory]
function d-machine-static {
    docker-machine create -d virtualbox --virtualbox-hostonly-cidr "${new_dm_ip}/24" --virtualbox-memory "${new_dm_memory}" "${new_dm_name}"
    echo -e "\033[1;34m${new_dm_name}\033[0m = \033[0;32m$(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine ip ${new_dm_name})\033[0m"
}' >> ~/.bash_profile
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Thank you again. I’ve turned it into a shell script that I can run from the command line (for now).

One more question. I want to hard code a specific IP for the VM. So, if I call it with this:

d-machine-static default

I want the VM to have that IP. However, I see in the script the CIDR param is:

`–virtualbox-hostonly-cidr “${new_dm_ip}/24”

This results in something like: default =

If I change the line to:

`–virtualbox-hostonly-cidr “${new_dm_ip}/32”

It fails with:

Error with pre-create check: "VirtualBox is configured with multiple host-only adapters with the same IP \"\". Please remove one."

I think maybe I need to alter things so both adapters can be loaded? My experience is with Vagrant and in that case, I just gave the config the IP, so I am not familiar with VirtualBox inner working. I’m sure I am missing something.

Thanks again, I appreciate this help.

To document the issue here:

Unfortunately I’m don’t know that much about Docker/VirtualBox’s availability of specific CIDR ranges so I’m not sure that I can be of much help on that matter.

I will say this though: Rather than trying to fiddle with the pre-existing “Default” environment you may have more luck setting up separate docker-machine environments and then using an alias or function to switch between them. Here’s the function that I use to do so, which you can also add to your .bash_profile:

#--- Switch to a different docker-machine environment.
function d-env () {
    if [[ $(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine status ${target_environment}) = "Stopped" ]]; then
        docker-machine start "${target_environment}"
        sleep 1
    eval "$(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine env ${target_environment})"
    echo -e "\033[1;34m${target_environment}\033[0m = \033[0;32m$(/usr/local/bin/docker-machine ip ${target_environment})\033[0m"

The only downside is that Kitematic doesn’t support other docker-machine environments, but that’s a small price to pay for a static IP.

FYI I’ve had the best luck with IPs of the form 192.168.x.100 such that x is not equal to 100. I’ve edited the above code to reflect a default value falling in that range,

Thanks for this information. Unfortunately, we will require a static IP for our local machines. There are many reasons for this that we can’t avoid. So we may have to look at a vagrant solution.

Thanks again.