I see the confusion: I should have started with “that’s not possible!”. You can not mount a container folder to the host. You can only mount a host folder or volume into a container folder.
Furthermore, you can use docker cp {containername or id} {container path} {host path}
to copy files from the container filesystem to your host, or you can use the files tab in container details view in Docker Desktop.
I am not sure what this sentence is supposed to mean, but it doesn’t mirror anything, it mounts the host path into a container path. And it is not even a volume in the sense of named volume (as in: not listed with docker volume ls
. It’s a bind.
Here is an example.
Preparation on the Windows host:
# create folder
PS C:\Users\me> mkdir d:\bind-test
Directory: D:\
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 20.07.2024 20:43 bind-test
Write a file in the container, access it on the host:
# list folder content -> empty
PS C:\Users\me> ls d:\bind-test
# start a container that binds the crated host folder into a container, and writes data in it
PS C:\Users\me> docker run --rm -v d:\bind-test:/test alpine sh -c 'date | tee /test/test.txt'
Unable to find image 'alpine:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from library/alpine
ec99f8b99825: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:b89d9c93e9ed3597455c90a0b88a8bbb5cb7188438f70953fede212a0c4394e0
Status: Downloaded newer image for alpine:latest
Sat Jul 20 18:48:21 UTC 2024
# list folder content -> not empty anymore
PS C:\Users\me> ls d:\bind-test
Directory: D:\bind-test
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a--- 20.07.2024 20:48 29 test.txt
# show Content of the file create inside the conatiner
PS C:\Users\me> cat D:\bind-test\test.txt
Sat Jul 20 18:48:21 UTC 2024
Create a file on Windows host, access it inside the container:
# create a file in to the Windows folder
PS C:\Users\me> date > d:\bind-test\test2.txt
# show Content of the file created on the host
PS C:\Users\me> cat D:\bind-test\test2.txt
Samstag, 20. Juli 2024 20:52:45
# show Content of the file from inside the container
PS C:\Users\me> docker run --rm -v d:\bind-test:/test alpine sh -c 'cat /test/test2.txt'
Samstag, 20. Juli 2024 20:52:45