Im running Docker container built on ubuntu 20.04 image.
Image is configured to run XFCE desktop + (tiger)VNC server.
That works fine. However, if I try to build such image with ubuntu 22.04 image, im getting gray screen after connecting via VNC to docker container.
Im running on (other) physical host xubuntu 22.04 with tigetvnc server and there is no such issue.
Anybody knows why it is happening or what is wrong?
Here is my Dockerfile:
FROM ubuntu:20.04
# prevent interactive prompts
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
# update dependencies
RUN apt update
RUN apt upgrade -y
# install xfce desktop
RUN apt install -y xfce4 xfce4-goodies
# install tigervncserver
RUN apt-get install -y tigervnc-standalone-server tigervnc-xorg-extension tigervnc-viewer
RUN touch ~/.Xauthority
Configuration of xstartup:
root@05170e03ea23:/# cat /root/.vnc/xstartup
xrdb /root/.Xresources
xsetroot -solid grey
startxfce4 &
To start vncserver:
vncserver -depth 16 -geometry 1024x768 -localhost no